Thursday, November 20, 2008

Michael's CD Mix Tape

As I was browsing The Office's website on NBC, I noticed that you could see the songs on Michael's Mix CD from the episode "Employee Transfer." I was of course interested in what they are because all we got to hear on the episode was "Life is a Highway" at least 5 times. The website opens up your iTunes store on your computer and shows you the playlist. It also has playlists of Pam, Ryan, and Jim's favorite songs. It's pretty funny because it gives a reason for why the characters picked each of their songs. If you can't find the link on the NBC website (things seem to go on and off there randomly), then go to your iTunes store and just search for Celebrity Playlists and then look for The Office Employees. Here are just a few of the songs that are on the playlists and the reasons why they were picked. Go check put the rest of them!

Michael Road Trip Mix:

"Life is a Highway": "Perfect song to start the mix. Not only does it get you pumped, but it's about driving and life, so it works on lots of different levels."

"I'm Like a Bird": "This song only works if you're a bird that flies. Penguins and ostriches just have to face their own problems head on."

"Hey Ya!": "You're driving, you're getting sleepy, then this song comes on, and BAM! You're singing and clapping and dancing. It's saved my life several times."

"Whoomp! There It Is": "I know ALL the words!"

Jim Halpert's Picks:

"Chicago": "Heartbreaking and great. Plus, I love any song whose titly is a city that isn't Scranton."

"Rich Girl": "Yes, I am a music snob, but my ex-girlfriend Katy put this on a mix for me when it came out, and I got hooked. Try to listen to this song without smiling and/or singing along. I dare you."

"Ghost": "Buy the whole album. It's incredible. If you don't like it, I, Jim Halpert, will give you a free box of Dunder Mifflin 8 1/2 X 14 legal pads. (Then I will be fired. So, win-win.)."

Ryan Howard's Picks:

"When I Get My": "There's a guy I work with, I'm kinda friends with him, really nice guy, but...I don't know, sometimes I want to leave this song anonymously on his desk."

"I Turn My Camera On": "You know those five minutes or so on your drive to work, after you've shaken off the grogginess of waking up and after your cup of coffee has kicked in - but before your day turns into absolute soul-crushing drudgery? This is my theme song for those five optimistic minutes."

"Kokomo": "Whenever I am having a really bad day, I come home and put on this song. This song is so bad tha tit makes my day look okay by comparison."

Pam Beesly's Picks:

"At Last": "This is going to be Roy's and my first dance at our wedding. Kind of fitting, after our 42-year courtship."

"Phone Call #27": "This is the only time where I like the sound of a phone ringing in my ear."

"Those Sweet Words": "I have this CD-playing alarm clock, and I wake up to this song every morning. It's soothing and pretty - it sort of pulls me gently out of my sleep. My fiancee hates it."

1 comment:

Kathy Dining said...

hah i thought this was funny cause you don't see this very often. I really liked all of Michaels songs on his mix tape too!!