Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Christmas Obsession

Besides my huge obsession over The Office, my main other obsession in life is Christmas. I love everything about this holiday and this time of the year! Here is why Christmas is so special to me.

1. Buying people presents: I absolutely love nothing more than making my list of what I am going to buy people for Christmas. I go crazy and spend way too much money, but it is so worth it to see people happy when they open your gift. I'm all about getting the "inside joke" gifts for friends and making cute meaningful things for my boyfriend and my family. It isn't all about getting something expensive and amazing, it's about taking the time to think about each person individually and come up with something unique that you know they would love.

2. Decorating: Putting up the Christmas tree is the next best thing about this holiday! Getting everything down from the attic is exciting enough, but then unwrapping all the ornaments and hanging them on the tree makes it even better. Every year I feel like I am seeing all the ornaments for the first time and I love strategically placing them on the tree so your favorite ones can be seen and the others are hidden in the back. I also love putting up our Christmas Village. My mom and I collect village pieces and we have houses and churches and ponds and stores and people and animals and all sorts of great stuff. It looks so pretty at night when we turn on the lights to the village and the christmas tree lights and turn off all the lights in the house. I love sleeping on my couch during Christmas time because I love falling asleep with those lights on around me. I brought a mini tree up to school with me last year and other decorations like garland and lights to put in my room and I left everything up until at least March!

3. Making cookies: I don't necessarily love the taste of Christmas cookies all that much, but there is nothing more fun than making dozens of them just for the hell of it. I love using the cookie cutters and making fun-shaped cookies like reindeer and santas and snowmen. Then decorating them is the best! I put on so much sugar and icing and I love buying the cute sprinkles that are shaped like snowflakes and chritsmas trees.

4. Getting together with family: This is the one time of the year that I see most of my family. I love spending time with them all and the food is always delicious as well. I have at least 4 different family Christmases and they are all unique in their own ways. One of grandparents plays certain games with me and all my cousins every year and it is something I always look forward to. One of my aunts has us over for lunch Christmas day and we watch all the movies we got for Christmas. It's just nice to have different traditions and things to look forward to every year.

5. Getting presents: Who doesn't love getting presents? It is just so fun to have something wrapped in front of you that you have no idea what it is. I love surprises and I am always surprised with my gifts. I make a list every year of things that I want, but I always get many extra random things that I was not expecting and it makes it even better. I love keeping my presents under the christmas tree for at least a week after christmas before putting them up. It's fun to walk by and look at them all and it makes me feel like they're still brand new. Once you put them away, they lose their Christmas spirit and they just become things that you own and only look at every once in awhile. I love wearing all my new clothes and watching my new movies and playing my new games! Getting presents is just a great addition to the other great aspects of Christmas!

6. Snow: If it snows on Christmas Day, my day is perfect. I love the snow and the way it looks and feels and smells. It is so fun to go outside and get all bundled up and play in the snow for hours and then go inside and make hot chocolate and watch movies. It is the best part of Christmas time!


Sally Savings said...

I love this post! I totally agree with everything, I love Christmas to. I hate when it's cold but the I love when its snowing and just being inside all warm by a fire or something.

Feste said...

I completely agree with everything in this post! My family always goes out together to get a Christmas tree, even though it's pretty much my mother's decision on what we get. But what is Christmas without snow? Maybe it's looking hopeful because my mom called today to tell me it's snowing back home, so I'm wishing Christmas will have loads of snow!

Colonel Sanders said...

Wow, I can't wait for Christmas to come. I thought I was excited for Thanksgiving, but now all I can think about is Christmas. I'd have to say my favorite part of Christmas is spending time with family and just talking by a fire.

Kathy Dining said...

This really makes me look forward to Christmas even more!