Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Top 10 Michael vs. Toby Moments

Michael has hated Toby since the beginning of this show and nobody really knows why. But it adds a lot of humor and some of the best quotes ever. I love the relationship that they share and find it absolutely hysterical. So I compiled my top 10 favorite moments that are shared by Toby and Michael.

Casino Night:
Michael: Oh, and another fun thing. We, at the end of the night, are going to give the check to an actual group of Boy Scouts. Right, Toby? We’re gonna…
Toby: Actually, I didn’t think it was appropriate to invite children since it’s… You know, there’s gambling and alcohol, and it’s in our dangerous warehouse and it’s a school night… And, you know, Hooters is catering. You know, is that enough? Should I keep going?
Michael: Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not… that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be

The Negotiation:
Toby: “Where are we going?”
Michael: “I’m going to smack you in the head with a hammer.”

Michael: No one asked you anything ever, so whomever’s name is Toby, why don’t you take a letter opener and stick it in your skull.

Goodbye Toby:
Michael: "Who do you think you are?”

The Deposition:
Lawyer: “Who is this ryan girl”
Toby: bursts out giggling

The Fight:
Toby: "Michael…"
Michael: "Hey, Toby."
Toby: "Any word on those time cards?"
Michael: "I’ve got an idea: why don’t you leave right now. Why don’t you walk away from the room, ‘kay?"

The Deposition:
Toby tries to be nice to Michael in the cafeteria after his diary has been exposed, and as nice as Toby’s trying to be, Michael just can’t take it and throws his food on the floor.

Branch Wars:
Michael: "I'll tell you what, I'll give you Toby. He is amazing, he is the best….nope I can’t even lie about it, he is horrible"

Michael’s Birthday:
Toby: Who brought in donuts?
Michael: Somebody got donuts for my birthday.
Toby: Happy birthday.
Michael: You didn’t know it was my birthday.
Toby: I guess I forgot…
Michael: Well I guess I forgot to give you a donut.

Boys & Girls:
Michael: "Everyone. Guys. Circle up, please. Come on over. Bring your chairs. Toby, come on over. You’re a guy… too… sort of. Let’s do this!"

Here is a youtube video of many great Toby and Michael moments!

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