Sunday, December 7, 2008

Schrute Farms

While browsing the NBC Office website, I found this great clip of Andy touring Schurte Farms. It was on Andy and Angela's Wedding Site, which you should definitely check out if you get a chance. It has their gift registry and stuff about the bachelor party and the wedding dress and honeymoon and all sorts of great hilarious stuff. But I thought this clip was so funny because it let us see even more of Schrute Farms, which is always enjoyable. We know that Dwight lives a pretty old-fashioned life, but this just helps prove it even more. There are many kinds of animals that he's obviously had stuffed and placed around his house. And the random decorations and old-fashioned technology are quite amusing. I hope you enjoy as much as I did!


sports#5 said...

I thought that little clip was pretty funny. It gives us a glimpse of Dwight outside of the work place. Dwight is definetly the funniest character on the Office. I don't really watch the Office as much as I used to but reading your posts made me realize I need to start watching it agian.

ChuckSeven1 said...

That's really funny. I loved that episode. As soon as Dwight pulled out that twine ring thing I knew exactly what he was up to. He is such a crazy character and its awesome that he has a farm.

Carry Packing said...

Hahaha.... I don't think that the Office would be the Office without the love triangle. I really wonder sometimes about Andy...Is he really that dumb that he couldn't see what Dwight was up too??? I liked the clip of Schurte Farms, it explains a lot about Dwight and why he acts the way that he does.