As the new head of the Party Planning Committee, Phyllis has picked a theme for the Christmas party: Nights in Morocco. She is still very eager to make Angela's life a living hell, just like Angela used to do to her. She makes Angela put away her nativity scene that's at her desk because it is not part of the theme. We can see Angela slowly getting more and more irritated with Phyllis and she tries to tell her that she can't blackmail her anymore. Phyllis says it's not blackmail because there is no formal letter and we just continue to see the tension between them. I personally love how Phyllis is treating Angela because she completely deserves it in my opinion. Angela treated Phyllis so horribly for too long, and she's just getting her turn.
Dwight has found this holiday's hottest gift: Princess Unicorn. While personally disgusted about the improbability of a doll that's half-human and half-unicorn, he is excited about the money he is about to make. As he does every year, he has researched the demand, bought out the stock from local stores, and is awaiting the stream of desperate parents who will

The party is underway and Mixmaster Michael is making some amazing drinks for people. He makes Meredith something he calls "One of Everything." It includes part scotch, absinthe, rum, gin, vermouth,

Back at the office, people are still trying to party and have a good time while Phyllis still bosses Angela around. Angela finally gets fed up and calls Phyllis out, saying that she would never tell anyone about her and Dwight. Angela is quite wrong though, as Phyllis blurts out to everyone that Angela is having sex with Dwight. Unfortunately, Andy is completely out of earshot and in a different room practicing songs on the sitar. But everyone else in the office finds out and looks completely stunned, except for Dwight who looks completely pleased with himself. Andy then comes in to play "Deck the Halls" for everyone and doesn't understand why nobody claps for him at the end. Angela quickly asks to be taken home and Andy never finds out what was said.
Favorite Moments:
- Jim wrapping Dwight's desk and Dwight collapsing
- Michael's creation of "orange-vod-juice-ka"
- Meredith lifting up her shirt and "bellydancing"
- Meredith continuing to dance while her hair is on fire.
- Finding out that Michael privately celebrates Groundhog's Day
- Kevin nicknaming Meredith "Fire Girl"
- Michael: "What are you going to do when you come in to work and you're dead?" Dwight: "I would stab her in the brain with a wooden stick."
- Michael chasing Meredith around the Rehab parking lot and dragging her into the building
- Phyllis actually telling everyone about Dwight and Angela
- Michael: "I need to find ways to push Meredith to the bottom. I think I can do it. I did it with Jan."
What to look forward to next week:
- Will Andy finally find out about Dwight and Angela?? I hope so! It needs to happen soon!
- Is Ryan gone forever? Will Kelly start dating Darryl again? We didn't see much of her at all during this episode.
- When will Jim and Pam set their wedding date? We know they don't want a long engagement.
- Will Jan ever come back into the picture?