This episode starts with Pam working at Corporate in New York! She was running low on money and instead of selling a kidney she decided to let Michael get her a job. Michael calls her all the time because he now has a number to reach her and it is actually kind of sweet. He of course is annoying and calls her “Paaaamelaaaaaaa” over and over again, but he tells her how much he misses her too!
In the beginning of the episode, Jim gets an accidental call from Pam in the middle of the night while she is out partying with her friends in New York. While he’s listening to it he turns to the camera and smiles while saying, “The future mother of my children.” It is a very cute moment and I love that he talks about having kids with her! I was glad that he wasn’t weird and jealous at that point, he seemed happy for her that she was making friends and you could tell that he thought she was still the cutest thing in the world.
The main storyline in this episode is definitely the Michael and Holly and I loved to see how happy they are together! There is a very cute opening scene of him asking her when she can go out with him again and she tells him very eagerly that she is free that night. They share some cute little moments and then we see Michael telling the camera that this will be their third date and that usually the third date is when he has sex. They talk about what they are going to do on their date and decide to go to the mall and eat at the food court. When talking about what they are going to get to eat, Michael says that a lot of it depends on if they have sex or not. He laughs awkwardly and asks Holly if she thinks they will have sex that night. For a second you can’t tell what Holly is thinking; I was afraid that she was going to find it really inappropriate that he asked her, but then she suddenly answers “hell yea.” It was a great moment an

The next morning, there are police cars at the office and the place had been robbed during the night! Dwight has of course already taken charge and has his little notepad out with all of his observations written down. He says it looks like the classic 7 man job, the security tapes were stolen, and possible motives were financial or vintage HP computer collectors. Holly puts it all together and asks to talk to Michael privately. She realizes that she never locked the door the night before when they left the office and Michael says he didn’t either. Michael’s great line after that is “so much for sex without consequences.”
Michael and Holly obviously feel really bad about what they let happen so Michael decides to hold an auction to raise mon

The auction is hilarious and is a classic Michael event! He makes many corny jokes while standing up in front of the microphone. Watching him struggle to talk fast like an auctioneer is extremely comical. The auction includes a yoga lesson from Holly, a trip to the bar with Darryl, Creed, Kevin offering to do someone’s taxes, the security guard’s CD of him playing guitar, a weekend at David Wallace’s place in Martha’s Vineyard, a hug from Phyllis, and fake Bruce Springsteen tickets.
David Wallace shows up to the auction and Ryan tries to hide from him. It is obviously not known that Ryan is back at Dunder Mifflin. Also, David sees Michael and Holly kiss at the very end of the episode and it is obviously not known that they are dating and you can tell he is upset.
Jim bid on the trip to the bar with Darryl and while they are out, Roy shows up and i

While all of this is hap

Favorite Moments:
- Creed’s super creepy quote.”Nobody steals from Creed Bratton and gets away with it. The last person to do this disappeared. His name…Creed Bratton.”
- Michael hitting the gavel at the auction and it making a squeaking sound
- Anytime Michael and Holly are on camera together
- Michael talking fast like an auctioneer and saying complete nonsense
- Phyllis's hug going for $1,000
- Jim getting to tell Roy that he is engaged to Pam
- Dwight's list of things he learned from Angela
- Phyllis smacking Dwight
What to look forward to in the next episode:
- What will David Wallace do about Michael and Holly? It is supposedly Amy Ryan's (Holly's) last episode, she was only signed on to do 5. So will she be fired over this or transferred to another branch? And if so, why couldn't she and Michael keep dating? I hope she stays around!
- Will we finally get to see Pam and Jim together again? I hope he honestly has nothing to be jealous of. I know Pam wouldn't do that to Jim, but I might be a little worried too.
- Angela can't seriously marry Andy! I hope that Angela comes to her senses and gets back together with Dwight.
- Will David Wallace say anything about Ryan working there? I know he had to have seen Ryan in the warehouse during the auction.
- Will Jan find out that Michael and Holly are dating? I hope she doesn't ruin things!
- When does Pam get done with school in New York?? I thought she was only supposed to be gone for 3 months and she's been gone since the second week of the summer!
Well, stay tuned!! I can't wait for the next episode! This season is going by really fast!
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