Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Benjamin Button Trailer!

So a new trailer for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button has surfaced, and it is beautiful to say the least. David Fincher returns with his first movie since 2007's Zodiac (a horribly underrated movie in my opinion, thoughts on that to come). Fincher has proven to be one of my favorite directors, and two of my favorite Fincher films star Brad Pitt (Se7en and Fight Club), so the re-teaming of the two does nothing but stir up high hopes. 

The thing I enjoy the most about David Fincher, is how none of his films feel the same, and he seems to have accomplished that again with this one. The dark, slow-paced tone and dark score really make this feel like more of a Tim Burton film. Fortunately though, Fincher has seemingly gone in and made it his own beautiful, dark tale. And with the help of Brad Pitt, looking as though he masters every age of Button, I can only hope that this film becomes a big contender once award season comes around.

The movie, which tells the tale of a man who is born in his eighties and begins to age backwards, is based on a 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

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